By Order of the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri (Case
No. 23AC-CC04735), all persons who may have claims against
Cameron Mutual Insurance Company ("CMIC") shall present the
same to the Liquidator by the claims bar date of December
31, 2024, through a proof of claim. Claim forms sent via the
U.S.P.S. or another carrier must be received no later than
December 31, 2024.
Forms submitted electronically must be received by the
Liquidator by 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2024.
A proof of claim shall consist of a statement in writing,
signed by the claimant, setting forth the claim, the
consideration therefor, and whether any, and if so, what
security are held therefor, and whether any, and if so, what
payments have been made thereon, and that the sum claimed is
justly owing from the company to the claimant. Whenever a
claim is founded upon an instrument in writing, such
instrument, unless lost or destroyed, shall be filed with
the proof of claim, unless such was previously filed with
the company. If such instrument is lost or destroyed, a
statement of such fact and of the circumstances of such loss
or destruction shall be filed under oath with the claim.
Enlisting the help of an attorney is not required. However,
if your claim is completed and/or submitted on your behalf
by an attorney, please provide the attorney contact
information. If your claim is for policy benefits, please
provide details. Attach copies (do not send original
documents) of supporting documents. If the documents are
voluminous, attach a summary. If the documents are not
available, please explain. If you have other types of claims
against the company provide a brief explanation of the claim
and the amount claimed.
You must sign the Proof of Claim form and affirm that the
representations set forth in this form are accurate. Please
retain a copy for your records and mail the original of the
form to:
Cameron Mutual Insurance Company in Liquidation
c/o Kirsten A. Byrd
Husch Blackwell
4801 Main Street, Suite 1000
Kansas City, MO 64112
Alternatively, you may email or fax a signed, scanned copy
to or 866-454-5051.
If you move after you send in your claim form, you must
provide us with your new address. Failure to do so may
result in a loss of rights to obtain a distribution on your
claim or to object to a denial in whole or in part of your
Claims presented against CMIC will be reviewed by the
Liquidator in accordance with Missouri Statute § 375.1214.
The Liquidator shall either approve the claim as filed or
shall deny the claim in whole or in part. A written notice
of approval or denial in whole or in part shall be given to
the claimant or counsel. Whenever the Liquidator denies the
claim in whole or in part and the claimant objects within 60
days to all or any portion of the contested amount, the
contested claim shall be resolved in accordance with §
375.1214, RSMo.
When all claims against the company are liquidated and
approved by the Court, claims will be paid based on
available general assets. The amount of payment will depend
on the percentage of total assets to total claims in each
particular claims class. The Liquidator may estimate the
percentage that may be paid on claims and may make
distributions based on that estimate. The Liquidator will
not know the final percent that can be paid on any
individual claim until all claims are liquidated and all
assets are converted to cash. This process may take several
months after the deadline for filing claims has passed.
The Liquidator’s acceptance of this Proof of Claim form is
not intended to nor does it constitute any waiver or
relinquishment by the Liquidator of any defense, setoff or
counterclaim that he or she may have against any person,
entity or governmental agency.